Zwischen Tanz

Two channel video installation 2001

A man and a woman have been photographed and the images transformed. Time-based sequences result through the combination of circa fifty photographic images of each person.

The two over-life size subjects and their respective shadows are projected on two projection screens. Their hands and faces move—slowly and ambiguously—while traversing the realm of the ‘in between’.

These gestures have no specific meaning: they signify the process of becoming, and a flux of continuous motion. The gesture forms the character and a kind of dance results—a gestural dance, a dance where shadows meet.

Sound by Thom Kubli accompanies the two characters. The sound flows with the characters. Strange piano passages accentuate the ambivalent stages enabling a further layer of potential meanings to form. The sound is deconstructed through the use of digital editing techniques.


Two channel video installation




  • 2001 Presentation - Chargesheimer Scholarship, BBK Stapelhaus, Cologne, Germany
  • 2001 Zwischen Tanz Galerie-Projektraum, Cologne, Germany (solo show)